ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Hosted/Road_Centerlines (FeatureServer)

View In:   ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

View Footprint In:   ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Service Description:

All Layers and Tables

Has Versioned Data: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON

Supports Query Data Elements:

Layers: Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This data represents the centerlines of all roads in Calumet County. The data is used in nearly all aspects of the Land Information Office and is updated almost every day. Updates are performed using source documents (surveys, plats, etc) along with any available aerial imagery. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Service Item Id: 80ff45d4921442a794a09496653f30e1

Copyright Text: This data was created to be used as an integral aspect of nearly all maps in the county. It is also used as the backbone of our E911 system.

Spatial Reference: 0  (0)  LatestVCSWkid(0)

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriFeet

Document Info: Enable Z Defaults: true

Sync Capabilities:

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true

Supports Dynamic Layers: false

Child Resources:   Info   Replicas   Relationships

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Contingent Values   Apply Edits   Create Replica   Synchronize Replica   Unregister Replica